Difference Between Google Analytics & Google Search Console

As time is going by and technology is advancing, Google has introduced many new and advanced tools to help website owners analyze how their website is performing.

There was a time when people were only aware of SEO and Google Analytics (GA) or maybe Google webmaster, but there is still a lot of confusion in normal user’s minds about what these tools actually do?

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What Makes Laravel The Best PHP Framework?

Laravel is one of the highly used, open-source modern web application frameworks that designs customized web applications quickly and easily. In this post we have covered some of the most used features of Laravel.

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Understanding Different Areas of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great tool offered by Google to track trends and determine if your marketing strategies are performing well. Google Analytics is a great way to discover trends and improve your return on investment.

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SEO Check list – Key Points

Search Engines regularly update their algo and it is very important that to stay in the race you keep your eyes open for better results. Check out the key features which should be taken care for effective SEO.

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WordPress Plugins for 2016

WordPress continues to grow with some excellent plugins which helps to enhance its core functionality. We have compiled here a list of few essential and recommended plugins for the year 2016 which should be used for a better, secure and user friendly experience.

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Vital Image Optimization Tips

We live in the age of ever increasing internet speed & fast loading websites get more attention both from users & search engines. Optimizing images on your website is crucial to reduce page loading time & here we present you some tips on how you can do it.

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Why Choose Inbound Over Outbound Marketing

Over the years, traditional out way approach to find leads have been adopted however with the advent of digital systems it has become possible to adopt marketing strategies where people come to you to buy services and products. Find out how.

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Top Modern Cross Browser Testing Tools

Testing is a tedious task and it takes longer time to manually test in every browser and device and generate a report.  Use efficient testing tools which can help you enormously in saving time and quickly getting reports for further action.

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What our client says

I have been working with KGN for about 18 months, and my experience with them has been very positive. The team I have worked with has been phenomenal, and I would highly recommend them. Communication is excellent, responsiveness is excellent, and the work is very high quality.
Our internal testing has been completed, this is the first time ever on any project that they have found nothing that needs to be fixed - one tester commented "are these guys from outer space?"
I have worked with KGN for over 3 years. I would strongly recommend them to anyone as they take pride in every project that they are tasked with. They are on hand to help with any situation that can be thrown at them, whatever the time/day.