To access any website, we need to first enter the website URL and then the browser sends a request using HTTP to the server and the requested web page is sent back to your browser using HTTP again. HTTP is a short form for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and it’s a code that is used when you want to access a website.
Put this simple, HTTP is a bridge between user’s browser and a server hosting a website which send request and receive the result of these request.
What is HTTP2?
HTTP/2 is the improved version of HTTP and is based on Google’s SPDY which was created in order to further improve the loading of web pages to make browser experience even better.
Compared to its earlier version of HTTP1.1, it uses almost same technology but consider it to be more efficient that allows the server to respond to multiple requests made from the browser, speeding up the process of loading single or multiple websites on the browser.
What Is Need Of HTTP2?
It was a time when websites were so simple, contained only text with less attractive visuals and completely no animations/videos but today scenario is completely different. Websites built today contain complex code structure, high quality images, and complex style sheets and embedded videos with sounds playing in background.
HTTP was designed for simpler websites and wasn’t capable to carry these more complex structured websites due to which the internet couldn’t manage the latest trends used in website development and ultimately slows down the speed because of in appropriate infrastructure required to support today’s advance websites.
Using HTTP, your browser can send only single request at a time which maybe an image and then has to wait for a response from the website hosting server before it can request for another part of the website. It can be work without hassle if the website is very simple but it creates a tailback at the server level which results in slow loading.
Even though over the years internet connections have become much faster but your browser can’t utilize this advanced tech just because of this tailback. Even with high speed internet connections, you may suffer from slow loading times.
Will Loading Speed Improve?
Since HTTP/2 can respond to multiple requests, yes you will see improvement in loading times and this will allow you to utilize the fast internet by reducing the tailback at both the server and browser level.
So rather than requesting for single component of a web page, your browser will be able to make multiple requests and receive multiple website components at the same time. This will eliminate the transmission blockage and dramatically improve the loading speed of web pages.