JQuery library was developed by John Resig back in 2006. It has made web design easier, faster and more accessible. When John developed this he wouldn’t have imagined that it would become one of the most popular JavaScript library on the web or it would have tens of thousands of plugins written for it.
Today we have fantastic library which has made designing and developing capable of using interactions quickly. It also helps you to provide dynamic web element for your website viewers. There are loads of jQuery plugins types available like image, slider, map, parallax and much more. These plugins are equipped with amazing features like lightweight code, cross-browser compatibility, responsive and filled with lots of effects.
These plugins have been developed so that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time to add bit of common functionality. Use these plugins to instantly add effects and different behaviors in your website. Here is the list of useful jQuery plugins.
Rather you place two images next to each other to show difference, use this plugin which places one on top of the other. This plugin takes the advantage of clip property within CSS by stacking two identical sized images on top of each other. The clip property allows the image to show through the container.
Slinky is a light-weight, responsive and mobile-friendly menu plugin. It is useful for any scenario in which you have got a lot of sub menus. Select an item from a menu and animation slides the sub-menu over. The demo is here.
Material Design Hierarchical Display
Material Design Hierarchical Display is a jQuery plugin that creates a display animation effects can be used to guide users’ attention and lead them from one point A to point B. You can customize this animation to suite your design. This plugin works effectively with all modern browsers.
Tabslet as the name suggest, it is a lightweight JQuery plugin for making tabs. It is easy to use and it is compatible with IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and jQuery 1.8.1, 19.1, 1.11.0, 2.1.0 and there’s lots of other useful functionality. It supports custom events, animation, rotation and controls. You can check out the demo here.
Readable, a jQuery plugin that help you create optimally sized paragraph for maximum readability. There is a demo available which shows you the edits made on paragraph in order to make it easier on the eye.
nanoGALLERY is a fully responsive image gallery featuring multi-level navigation in albums, combinable hover effects on thumbnails, pagination, slideshow, image lazy load, themes, deep liking, bootstrap compatibility and pulling in Flickr, Picasa, Google+ photo album.
It is touch enabled, fast and it support cloud storage.
Tooltipster is a powerful, flexible jQuery plugin that enable you to create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS. There are a wide range of configuration options, making it easy to customizable for any needs.
Avgrund Modal
Avgrund is a jQuery plugin which is use to add a bit of wow to your pop up content by blurring he page content and pushing it back in Z space before bringing up the modal dialog. It works in all modern browsers.
Type Ahead is an easy to implement tool that pulls from a local or external data source as user types in an input box, offering auto-complete suggestions as they go. It is a product from Twitter development team.
Scroll Path
It is a plugin for defining custom scroll paths for your content. Canvas is used to generate paths and in complaint browsers it also allows you to rotate content in-situ for pleasing user interactions.
Lettering.js is a jQuery plugin that allow you to apple kerning, colour individual letters, and apply even-listeners. It provides granular control over individual characters in your type.
This useful jQuery plugin makes font-size flexible. Use FitText on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element. Built to facilitate responsive headlines, the plugin also integrates with Lettering.js to allow for granular per-character styling.