Magento ExtensionsMagento is feature-enriched eCommerce system that has gained huge strides in eCommerce industry. In terms of features and reliability, no other eCommerce system comes in the range of Magento. It has been designed with solid admin area facilitating complete control in adding and updating products and other content. Apart from this, magento is also popular for its highly secure and safe serviceability which ensures that customer would have their private credential confidential and safe.

Magento eCommerce has thousands of Magento extensions available to download from Magento Connect. Below we have complied best and useful extensions which we think can make considerable contribution towards Magento eCommerce website efficiency.

Best Seller Extension with Product Ribbons

Best seller extension with product ribbons is extension that is used to showcase the best seller products on your store in most effective and easy way.

This extension enables you to display Best seller products more dynamically on the left or right sidebar of your store front page. This shows which products are getting highest sales and customer are likely to buy. It allows your prime products to be displayed with pleasant and attractive Ribbon effect to lure more customers.

While, this extension has main purpose to display the products which has been purchased the most, it also reduces the efforts of customers to find which products are highly popular and largely sold on the store.

Place this extension and let people know about your popular and most sold products.


Springbot is an awesome Magento module mainly built to generate reports based on customer behavior and analytical data which can help you track and understand the return on investment. It facilitates you to evaluate the data based on the factors such as age, location, gender and annual income which is in fact enormously important information to plan further marketing campaign.

Understanding customer behavior and their reaction about the product pages is extremely vital through you can measure what steps would further help you to enhance your profit ration. This extension does exactly the same; it generates reports based on all factors which are essential for planning further sales strategy.

In short, Springbot delivers the valuable insight about customer buying behaviour.

One step checkout

One step checkout magento extension simply enables your customers to complete the purchase from single form filling process only. If you dont want to lose your potential customers then just install this top notch magento extension into your store. It enables customer to checkout very smoothly and saves considerable amount of time. It simpley, easy, hassle free which results in more successful sales.

Yireo TrashCan

Many times it happens that important products on store get deleted mistakenly by admin. So if you really want to restore those products, Yireo TrashCan is an ideal choice. This extension is life saver for those impatient store owners who really dont take too much care while deleting the products and mistakenly deletes the important products on the store.

With the help of Yireo TrashCan extension with the single mouse click you can restore deleted products. This extension saves the deleted products into recycle bin folder and admin can easily restore them. In short, it is an extremely important magento extension?to be installed in each magento store.

Google Content API for Shopping

Since people believe more in organic search results, this extension allows Magento developers to migrate the eCommerce websites into the updated Google API to assure that the website comes up on top in Google search results. This is one of the must have magento extensions to be installed in magento websites for organic SEO advantage.

Follow Up Email by aheadWorks

This extension helps businesses to stay in touch with their customers by sending them follow up emails. It’s an essential and powerful auto-responder magento extension and best customer relationship management extension too that helps businesses stay in touch with their customers. It is also helps store owners to keep track and generate results on the feedback of follow up email.

Youama Ajax Login and Register

This extension enables your customers to login or register from any page without reloading the page. This extension enables your customer spent more time on your store with quick pop up login option. The background server side validating technique runs on the basis of AJAX technology.