Good Checkout Process is Simple, Short, Easy to Understand and Quick

According to eSurveyspro, more than 40 to 45 percent of online shopping cart abandonments took placed because of tiresome and lengthy checkout process. When online buyers land on your store to buy products, it is your responsibility to make their online shopping experience happy and joyful and that could be possible if you have catered them with simple, quick and easy checkout process. There are experienced e store owners and ecommerce consultants who have stated that the great way to streamline the purchases is by reducing the total number of checkout steps, thus one-step-checkout has been more popular over the years.

One-step-checkout is no more different from lengthy checkout process if the customers have been asked with the same number of fields and details to provide. It is necessary that you should provide simple, secure and fast checkout process to your buyers.

Below we have complied best practices which will help store owners to increase their eCommerce store successful checkouts.

Checkout process ? Keep it simple and fast

Narrow down your lengthy and long checkout steps into single step. Ask customer to fill only single form with the few required details only. Since you have made check out process simpler, more and more customers would complete the process. Simple and fast checkout process means unbelievable increase in sales.

Avoid hidden cost

Its whether you or me, when we complete all the buying process and suddenly we are asked hidden charges to pay that you never noticed anywhere through out our buying process, naturally makes us annoying and we would say bye-bye to that store forever. Clearly mentioning total cost of the products with no hidden charges wins customers confidence and gives honest feeling about your brand. It is necessary you should be transparent and mention clearly any tax, shipping cost, accessory cost applicable to any products upfront and avoid displaying any hidden cost at the time when customer pulls out the card from wallet and is about to start financial transaction.

Easy navigation

Proving your customer with easy back and forth navigation within checkout in order to view and edit the product details is greatly helpful. Allowing your customer to add more products with single click (offer continue shopping or add more products button) terribly increases your sales.

Checkout as guest

Checkout as Guest is one of the hottest and proven techniques to attract customer to buy from you. According to eConsultancy they have stated that around 25 percent of online buyers ditch the cart if they are forced to register in order to buy the products. So rather than asking your customers to register compulsory, make them available to checkout as guest.

Provide guidelines

It may be possible that the customer visiting your store is making his/her first online purchase, thus to make their first online purchase wonderful, you should provide tool tip right from starting of checkout process to till the end. Providing all the necessary information in online shopping market is really good thing since it increase brand trust and honesty.

Provide all the trusted payment methods

Online customers always want their private information such as credit card details and address must be secure and not to be public. Show popular and trusted payment methods logos on your site.

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