Email Marketing MistakesIn a typical situation any suspicious looking, ugly and invaluable looking marketing material is bound to be overlooked and trashed. Same concept is applicable in email marketing too. Dustbin (Trash) is also there for marketing emails which are completely irrelevant or poorly designed.

Efforts and right strategy needs to be used to generate positive reaction to your email marketing campaign. Emails which are personalized, sent to relevant audience who have permitted you, well designed and with valuable content are likely generate positive output. We have compiled below few fundamental mistakes to be avoided while planning your email marketing campaign.

Injured design

Avoid using scary or cluttered design and obsolete images of your products and services. Many email marketing gurus have suggested that, you should opt for vivacious, eye-catching and engaging images for your products and services that can present your brand and company in a more lively manner.

Since Christmas season is very close now, retailers should design their emails with relevant festive themes and images. Implementing festive spirit will lead to high chance of better open rate than the ordinary emails. Visually appealing emails accented with elegant pictures and proper call to action, can impressively double your overall email marketing ROI. It is good habit to keep changing the email layout and content based on time of the year, your target audience, product promotion and so on which can work out to me more effective in generating more productive results.

There are many services such as (Mail Chimp and Constant Contact) which offers ready to use email temples where you just require to make few tweaks such as adding company logo and select colors and relevant images. They offer range of templates and designs for varied business types. Using reputed email marketing tool can itself create positive difference as it leads to high volume of emails landing in inbox.

Wild frequency

Over eating of sweet in a day could disturb your health. Likewise, sending emails multiple times in a day or a week or a month to single subscriber could end up with unsubscribe request from recipient. High frequency of emails will lead to frustration and desire to opt out of receiving future messages.

Let your subscriber decide, how many times they would like to receive email from you. You can do this by allowing them to choose at the time when they subscribe your newsletter service. You could make them available with the options like; get emails daily, weekly or monthly.

If you own an apparel store, then you can ask your subscriber to receive message from you when their size or favorite cloths are available.

Fiendish irrelevance

Sending an email to the person in an inappropriate language is a total waste of time and money. All emails can be overlooked or gone as unopened and possibly deleted. Make sure that before rolling out your campaign, you have performed proper research regarding geographical location, ensure that emails are correctly personalized and most importantly your list includes only those addresses who have actually given you permission to send them emails.

What can help you to achieve better results from your email marketing campaign:

  • Permission based marketing
  • Simple, clean and attractive design
  • Personalized messages
  • Email templates should be visible in mobile devices, browsers and tools like Outlook, hotmail, yahoo, gmail
  • Use reputed tools like MailChimp, Sendgrid, ConstantContact, GoDaddy etc. There are many.
  • Valuable, Interactive, Engaging and Informative Content.
  • Option to forward and share on social media
  • Easy option to unsubscribe and send confirmation on request.
  • Marketing products and services based on type of target audience.
  • Quick response on positive inquires or successful orders.
  • Tracking, analysing and deciding future campaigns based on results.

I hope that what we have shared will be of help. If you have any comments, better suggestions or would like to share further valuable information, feel free to send your comments.
