Why my small business does need a Website?

While there are many reasons to have one, but for now let's discuss some very crucial ones:

  • A professional website meets customer expectations and your clients expect you to Be Online these days
  • You can increase the reach of your business and remain open always
  • It helps you to sell more
  • You can increase visibility and brand awareness of your product or services
  • A website is more affordable and easy to maintain than traditional advertising
  • It helps you to get testimonials and social proof from your existing customers and brand promoters
  • It provides your business more credibility and legitimacy
  • It helps you to manage better customer support saving both cost & time
  • It can provide you with lots of data for doing market research or get feedback from your customers
  • You digitally advertise your business with better control of money spent on advertising

Taking Business Online is a need of an hour today for nearly all businesses small or big. The major challenge which business owners face today is they have no to very little knowledge on how should they go about developing their website. In most of the cases, they rely on a technical consultant for making decisions on their behalf of them. Which very much decides the price and quality of the website going to be developed.


Business website development is a strategic decision directly associated with the brand and thus nobody wants to take a chance. Though being tight on a budget many small businesses are ready to shell out more money to get it right. However, very less they know that the cost of website development can drastically vary on the technology and the region where you outsource web development or building you own an in-house web development team.


Below image will give you a general idea of web development cost worldwide:

Once you have decided on your reason to develop a website and how much you willing to spend, the second major challenge is “To choose the right platform or technology for developing it.


Today most of the websites are developed using software applications known as CMS (Content Management System). The tool that allows you to create, edit and publish content.


Here is a list of the popular CMS options available in 2019 ordered by market share:

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Shopify
  • Drupal
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Blogger
  • Magento
  • Bitrix

Commercially developed websites for small businesses can be with or without eCommerce functionality. Magento, Shopify & Opencart are pure eCommerce CMS platforms built specifically for creating an eCommerce website.


If you want to have an e-Commerce activity with a CMS like WordPress you will need to install additional plugins to manage the e-Commerce activity as a CMS is not specialized for doing it and is generally meant for managing content pages.


On the other hand, Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP. It is one of the most popular open e-commerce CMS. The most popular CMS for building an eCommerce website is Magento whereas for blogging website it WordPress.


That being said, let’s take a look at why are WordPress and Magento are CMS choice for many in 2020

Reasons behind WordPress popularity:

  • WordPress is a free and open-source website builder
  • Has a wide range of plugins and themes
  • Easy to custom-built your website for specific needs
  • WordPress Provides robust security
  • A large community of users
  • It gives complete control of every aspect of your website
  • Works better with SEO
  • User-friendly CMS
  • Highly compatible with all major hosting services

Reasons behind Magento popularity:

  • Designed for eCommerce
  • Magento is Open Source
  • New and better extensions for easy Integration
  • Optimized for SEO to rank you higher on search engines
  • Multi-lingual and multi-currency support
  • Quick checkout option
  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Mobile friendly
  • Easy to manage multiple websites with common backend for all websites

Other platforms too mentioned in the list above have their share of specialties and supporters but there is a still long way for them to gain customer’s trust and market.


We at KGN Technologies specialize in WordPress, Magento, Shopify CMS and have successfully delivered 700 + projects to date. If you are looking to develop a fancy new website please feel free to contact us and our team of expert web developer will be more than happy to assist you.


Once you have developed a website it is also very important to find a suitable name for your website so that it can attract more traffic and a reliable hosting partner to make it live and start adding value to your brand.


If require we at KGN Technologies also assist you to host and maintain your website, however, it is only on client request as an optional service.


It is generally advised to finalize domain name and hosting provider even before you start developing a website as the domain you wish for your website might or might not always be available. As businesses run on brand name domain registration is a crucial step before you start.


Steps to be followed are as below:

  • Website domain registration
  • Website development
  • Website deployment & hosting

For more on website hosting, you can visit How to Host a Website – A Complete Guide for Beginners.


I hope the above information will help you make an informed decision about going online. Please visit our facebook, Linkedin and Blog page for more on the latest technology and trends in website development. Thank You):