Magento is certainly the most popular eCommerce platform we have today. If you are thinking to begin your own eCommerce business then you should probably give a try to Magento. Some big brands link Nike, MotherCare and Paul Smith are built on Magento. There are many possibilities where you can further improve store functionalities using extensions in order to offer happy shopping experience to customers.

Here we have complied list of some popular Magento extensions for 2016 which can help you better manage your online business and more.

Slider Revolution Responsive Extension

If you want to display new arrivals or top selling products on top of your website then you should probably try this popular Slider Revolution Extension which comes with tons of unique features such as custom transitions, unique transition effects, image preloader and with convenient drag and drop backend facility which makes this extension easy to use and useful. Additionally, it is SEO friendly and comes with ALT tag ability.

Google Tag Manager integration (GTM)

Using this extension you can manage your Google Analytics events, Adwords Conversion Tracking and Remarketing at one place. This extension allows you to integrate Google Tag Manager to your website by inserting your container id to configuration of this extension.

It offers loads of features such as Multi-store support, dynamic remarketing support and the best part is you don’t need coding skills to manage this extension.

Magento Email Templates

Simple text emails are slightly boring, unattractive and may not result in desired reponse. This Magento extension provides an effective solution which offers admin users well designed template with customizable text, color and images which look visually appealing and prompt your customer to take action. Such emails will allow conveying the information you are trying to communicate in an effective way and generate more sales.

Make your email looks beautiful using Magento Email Templates extension.

Advanced Product Video Extension for Magento

Video is one of the elegant ways to present your products. Advance Product Video Extension allows you to add videos to product page with customizable carousel slider and in product video listing under description tab.

It works with custom templates and does not overwrite any Magento core files.

Discount Coupon Code Link

It triggers automatic discount coupon code for customers on the shopping cart page. It is worth using this extension in newsletter campaign, marketing blogs, emails, online ads and social media posting or in any promotions tools.

This extension will automatically apply coupon code when products are added to cart. Configuration is quite easy for miscellaneous scripts; light box popup, success message and custom redirect URL settings. It works effectively with custom templates.

BigHippo - All in One Magento Product Importer

One of the essential Magento extensions to import products and update attributes like stocks, price, images, gallery images etc. locally or using remote FTP systems.

Some useful features such as:

  • Import products including images from a FTP server
  • Update price and stock from FTP server
  • Fully debug report during importing

Magik SEOSpace

Magik SEOSpace is one of the most complete Magento SEO extensions that exist today for Magento website owners. This will help you to optimise page content, image titles, meta descriptions, canonical URLs and much more. You can use variables to define meta tags for entire store. You can create HTML and XML sitemap. It adds Facebook open graph andTwitter tag.

Cache - Full Page Cache

It is one of the best solutions for Magento websites that significantly speeds up page load time and improve the website’s credit in the eyes of search engines which certainly helps improve website ranking and increase sales. Full Page Cache certainly affects sales conversion and successful generate the revenue.

This reduces the server and database load and once the server generate a page, it doesn’t require it to generate again and again, it simply returns the cached copies. Give enhanced shopping experience to your buyers by offering them eCommerce store which response quickly.